
May 8, 2014



Off to Milan we went for an exciting , jam packed, whirlwind four days of Kitchen and Bathroom Heaven!!!

When we arrived day 1 there were people everywhere. It was incredible to get the concept that all these people had some connection with Kitchen Design, Bathroom Design, or Furniture Design.

The enormity of the Kitchen Design Exhibition space was almost overwhelming. If you can image a space purely dedicated to Kitchens about 4 times the size of Jeffs Shed in Melbourne, yes our feet and backs were aching by the end of each day but we were soaking it all up with a grin from ear to ear .

Probably the most outstanding aspect of European Kitchen Design is the fact that the Kitchen is not a separate area but is an all inclusive part of the furniture in the home. Whether it be a Ultra Modern Kitchen Design or a Traditional or Classical Kitchen Design, they oozed Luxury and Lifestyle.

The same went for the Bathroom Design Displays. In some Bathroom Displays live models were used to express the feeling of Luxury and Lifestyle.
We also found it both fascinating and inspirational to see the latest trends in Kitchen Design and are looking forward to passing this on to our Kitchen Customers via both our Kitchen Showrooms and our Kitchen Designers. Are we happy we attended? Absolutely!!! Here is a sneak peek at a few of the hundreds of photos I couldn’t resist taking.

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